Murder by NumbersTorrent Download this single player visual novel video game. Set in the city Los Angeles in 1996, Murder by Numbers follows Honor Mizhari, the co-star of the TV investigator show Murder Miss Terri. After she is terminated from her work, she goes over SCOUT, a robot who was discarded in a refuse pile and has lost a large portion of his recollections. Honor finds that the show’s showrunner has been killed. With SCOUT’s assistance, Honor figures out how to tackle the secret behind the homicide, however the killer apparently ends it all. Honor before long winds up associated with more homicide secrets, working closely with SCOUT to settle them as he attempts to recover his lost memories.
Murder by Numbers Key Features:
- Players are entrusted with addressing observers and suspects and exploring territories for pieces of information.
- These nonogram puzzles are solved like numerous other PC based nonogram puzzles.
- Enabling the game players to check spaces that ought to be filled and those that ought to be unfilled as a technique to follow their work and make allowances towards tackling the riddle.
- A player would be able to commit quite limited errors which would be progress without punishment in many riddles.
- OS:
64bit - Windows 7
- Processor:
Intel Core i3 / AMD equivalent
- Memory:
4 GB
- Graphics:
2GB - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 / 2GB - AMD Radeon R9 285
- Storage:
2 GB