Bandai Namco Studios

Scarlet Nexus Free PC Games Torrent is an action role-playing game developed by Bandai Namco Entertainment. Released on June 25, 2021, the game takes players on a journey to uncover the mysteries of a futuristic world where humanity is under threat from psychic creatures known as Others. Set in the technologically advanced city of New...
Tekken 8 Torrent Download, the latest installment in the renowned Tekken series, marks a significant evolution for the franchise. Developed using Unreal Engine 5, the game introduces upgraded fighting elements and systems, promising a more aggressive and immersive experience for players. Released in January 2024, it has garnered attention for its extensive single-player content, robust...
Tales of Arise Torrent Download the latest installment in the renowned Tales of series developed by Bandai Namco Entertainment, which takes players on a captivating journey through the vast and visually stunning world of Dahna. Released on 9th September 2021, the game introduces a fresh narrative and innovative gameplay mechanics, redefining the action RPG genre....
Tekken 7 Torrent Download is a single and multiplayer fighting video game in the genre. Find the epic finish of the Mishima tribe and disentangle the explanations for each progression of their constant battle. TEKKEN 7 highlights dazzling story-driven true to life fights and extreme duels that can be delighted in with companions and adversaries...
SoulCalibur VI Torrent Download this single and multiplayer fighting video game. Presenting the most recent section in the SOULCALIBUR arrangement! Experience all-new ongoing interaction mechanics with the most lovely designs the weapons-based battling sort has at any point seen!  SOULCALIBUR VI KEY FEATURES: Inversion Edge: Block your rival’s attack and counterattack! A combination of offense...
Code vein is an action video game and is played as a third person’s perspective. The game is set in the near future when the world has fallen because of calamity known as the great collapse. Monsters have now erupted and for this the humans have created revenants, by bringing back dead to life by...
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