Humble Bundle

Cultist Simulator Torrent Download is an intriguing narrative-driven simulation game developed by Weather Factory. Released in 2018, this game invites players into a world of mysteries, esoteric rituals, and sinister conspiracies. Set against a backdrop of hidden knowledge and eldritch powers, players delve into the role of a fledgling cultist seeking forbidden wisdom and ultimate...
Crying Suns is a roguelike strategy and single-player video game that takes place in outer space. The main character of this game is space admiral Ellys Idaho who has just been awoken on this planet. Your mission is to explore the mysteriously fallen Galactic Empire, as Idaho and his crew travel the Empire’s Galaxy through...
Wildfire Torrent Download this single and multiplayer indie video game. In our current reality where wizardry has everything except ceased to exist, you’ve been marked a witch by wretched powers who fear your amazing powers. Outmaneuver the odd and suspicious armies of the ArchDuchess as they chase you through lush green forest, profound natural hollows,...
Void Bastards Torrent Download this single player shooter video game. Forget all that you think about first-individual shooters: Void Bastards requests that you assume responsibility but not simply point your weapon and discharge. Your main task in the game is to lead out the rag tag label Void Bastards of the Sargasso Nebula. You have...
A Hat in Time is a cute video game featured with a little girl who stitches hats for exciting powers. Little girl is trying to get back to her home but during her journey a mafia government member comes to collect tolls. Little girl refuses to pay after which the trouble begins. Hat girl fights...
Get your hands on Slay the Spire video game developed for all the deck gamers out there. In this game, the player encounters many enemies, events and bosses during the completion of the task. The mission is to work through various levels of the spire, and on each level, you`ll see a different character, including...
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