
The Pacific Drive Free PC Games Torrent survival game, set to be released in 2024, is developed by Ironwood Studios and will be published by Kepler Interactive. Released on February 22, 2024, for PlayStation 5 and Windows, this game immerses players in the mysterious and perilous environment of the Olympic Exclusion Zone. Set in the...
Crow Country Free PC Games Torrent survival horror game developed and published by SFB Games. Released on May 9, 2024, it is available on PlayStation 5, Windows, and Xbox Series X/S. The game draws inspiration from the visual style and mechanics of classic PlayStation 1 horror titles like Resident Evil and Silent Hill, delivering a...
V Rising Free PC Games Torrent is a captivating action role-playing survival game developed by Stunlock Studios and published by Level Infinite. Initially released in early access for Windows in May 2022, the game officially launched in 2024 with a PlayStation 5 version expected on June 11, 2024. Set in a dark, gothic world, players...
The Day Before Free PC Games Torrent is an upcoming open-world MMO survival game developed by Fntastic and published by MYTONA. Set in a post-apocalyptic America overrun by flesh-hungry infected and survivors killing each other for food, weapons, and cars, the game promises a thrilling mix of survival horror and multiplayer action. Initially announced in...
In the realm of horror video games, Evil Dead: The Game Torrent Download stands as a formidable addition, bringing together iconic elements from the renowned Evil Dead Free PC Download franchise into a spine-chilling interactive experience. Developed by Saber Interactive and published by Boss Team Games, this game immerses players in a world filled with...
Resident Evil 4: Remake Torrent Download is an upcoming reimagining of the classic survival horror game developed by Capcom. Set to bring the iconic adventure of Leon S. Kennedy to a new generation of players, this remake promises to enhance the beloved gameplay and visuals of the original while delivering a fresh take on the...
Sons of the Forest Torrent Download is an upcoming survival horror game developed by Endnight Games, serving as the highly anticipated sequel to the critically acclaimed Sons of The Forest Free Download. Set in a mysterious and hostile wilderness, players find themselves stranded in a remote forest inhabited by grotesque mutants and other dangers. With...
Dead Space Torrent Download, a famous science fiction survival horror video game, immerses players in a terrifying narrative set in the 26th century. Developed by EA Redwood Shores and released on 20 Oct 2008, the game follows protagonist Isaac Clarke, an engineer aboard a mining ship tasked with investigating a distress signal. As the story...
Scorn Torrent Download is a unique and atmospheric first-person horror game developed by Ebb Software, that immerses players in a nightmarish world inspired by the works of H.R. Giger and Zdzisław Beksiński. Released in 2021, Scorn torrent download is a visceral and surreal journey that blurs the lines between horror and art. The game’s distinctive...
7 Days to Die Torrent Download is an intense survival horror game developed by The Fun Pimps, immersing players in a post-apocalyptic world teeming with danger and the undead. Originally released in 2013 and continuously updated, the game combines elements of survival, exploration, and crafting to create a challenging and engaging experience. Set in a...
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