Xbox One

Scarlet Nexus Free PC Games Torrent is an action role-playing game developed by Bandai Namco Entertainment. Released on June 25, 2021, the game takes players on a journey to uncover the mysteries of a futuristic world where humanity is under threat from psychic creatures known as Others. Set in the technologically advanced city of New...
Assassin’s Creed Mirage Free PC Games Torrent, a new part in the famous Assassin’s Creed series, takes players on an exhilarating journey through the rich tapestry of Arabian mythology and history. Developed by Ubisoft, this action-adventure game offers players a fresh perspective, blending the franchise’s signature stealth and combat mechanics with a captivating narrative set...
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin Free PC Games Torrent is an exciting and immersive action role-playing game that offers players a thrilling adventure in a fantastical world. Released as part of the iconic Final Fantasy franchise, the game offers a fresh take on the series, introducing players to a dark and mysterious world filled...
Astroneer Free PC Games Torrent, developed by System Era Softworks, is an award-winning sandbox adventure game that takes players on an interstellar journey of discovery and survival. Set during the 25th-century gold rush era, players assume the role of an astronaut, or Astroneer, tasked with colonizing planets, harvesting resources, and unraveling the mysteries of the...
Asterigos: Curse of the Stars Free PC Games Torrent emerges as a captivating addition to gaming, promising players an immersive journey through the cosmos. Developed by Acme Gamestudio, this action-packed adventure unfolds in a vast universe teeming with secrets, challenges, and uncharted territories. With stunning visuals, intricate storytelling, and engaging gameplay mechanics, Asterigos invites players...
A Space for the Unbound Free PC Games Torrent is an upcoming indie video game developed by Mojiken Studio and published by Toge Productions. Set in the late 90s in a rural Indonesian town, the game blends elements of slice-of-life storytelling, supernatural mystery, and nostalgic exploration. Players dive into the lives of two high school...
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective Free PC Games Torrent is a captivating puzzle-adventure game developed by Capcom for Nintendo DS and later released on iOS devices. In this unique title, players take on the role of Sissel, a ghost with the power to possess and manipulate objects in the environment. With a gripping storyline filled with...
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Free PC Games Torrent is a captivating historical fantasy action role-playing video game developed by Team Ninja, immersing players in the rich tapestry of the Han Dynasty. Released for the PS5, this game seamlessly blends Chinese mythology, fast-paced combat, and Souls-like elements to deliver a truly unique gaming experience. Set in...
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Torrent Download is a captivating action-adventure platformer set in a mythological Persian world. Developed by Ubisoft Montpellier, this installment revives the iconic series with a new Metroidvania format, introducing players to a large, interconnected world inspired by ancient Persia and folklore. Players take on the role of the agile...
My Time at Portia Torrent Download, developed by Pathea Games, stands as a captivating testament to the allure of life simulation and role-playing games. Released on 15th January 2019, this enchanting title transports players to the picturesque town of Portia, nestled in a post-apocalyptic world. Inheriting a dilapidated workshop from their father, players embark on...
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