Nintendo EPD

Super Mario Bros. Wonder Free PC Games Torrent is the latest installment in the iconic Super Mario Bros. series, developed and published by Nintendo. Set in the vibrant and whimsical Mushroom Kingdom, players once again step into the shoes of everyone’s favorite plumber, Mario, as he embarks on a thrilling journey to rescue Princess Peach...
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Torrent Download is a new installment in the iconic series, redefining the boundaries of open-world exploration and gameplay. Released on 12 May, 2023. Set in the enchanting realm of Hyrule, the game immerses players in a rich, sprawling landscape filled with intriguing puzzles, and breathtaking vistas. With...
Pikmin 4 Torrent Download the latest installment in the beloved Pikmin franchise, takes players on a captivating journey through a miniature world filled with charm and strategy. Developed by Nintendo, this game offers both new and returning players the opportunity to immerse themselves in a unique and whimsical universe. With its charming characters, delightful graphics,...
Metroid Dread Torrent is a highly anticipated action-adventure video game developed by MercurySteam and Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch. This installment, set to be released in October 2021, marks a significant return to the classic side-scrolling gameplay that fans of the Metroid series have cherished for decades. Combining suspenseful storytelling with intense action sequences, Metroid...
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Torrent Download is a single and multiplayer social simulation video game. It invites you to create your island paradise on a deserted island. For this, you purchase a gateway package from a fictional character Tom Nook. The player have to complete various quests to build an island into a town by...
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