
The Last Case of Benedict Fox: Definitive Edition Free PC Games Torrent is a meticulously crafted Metroidvania game that draws players into a world of dark mystery and supernatural intrigue. Developed by Plot Twist and published by Rogue Games, this definitive edition has been released for PlayStation 5, boasting numerous enhancements over the original, which...
Tales of Kenzera: Zau Free PC Games Torrent is an action & adventure developed by Surgent Studios and published by Electronic Arts. Released on April 23, 2024, the game is available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. It offers an engaging single-player experience as well as cooperative multiplayer modes. Set in the mystical...
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Torrent Download is a captivating action-adventure platformer set in a mythological Persian world. Developed by Ubisoft Montpellier, this installment revives the iconic series with a new Metroidvania format, introducing players to a large, interconnected world inspired by ancient Persia and folklore. Players take on the role of the agile...
Supraland Torrent Download developed by Supra Games, is an inventive and colorful first-person action-adventure game that takes players on a whimsical journey through a pint-sized world filled with puzzles, exploration, and engaging combat. This title, available on various platforms like PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch, introduces players to a vibrant and cleverly designed sandbox...
Metroid Dread Torrent is a highly anticipated action-adventure video game developed by MercurySteam and Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch. This installment, set to be released in October 2021, marks a significant return to the classic side-scrolling gameplay that fans of the Metroid series have cherished for decades. Combining suspenseful storytelling with intense action sequences, Metroid...
Axiom Verge 2 Torrent Download is a single-player metroidvania video game. The game takes place in the world of Kienger which is divided into two parts one is known as the Overworld and the other is Breach. Players take control of protagonist Indra, who is the strange billionaire and the mother of a daughter. Suddenly...
Grime Torrent Download is a single-player action-adventure role-playing video game. Suddenly a strange material falls and crushed you into your presence. Now you are tasked to overcome your fear and discover the world and uncover its hidden truths in howling caves, fight horrible enemies, encounter your foes and absorb their characteristics and use weapons against...
Blaster Master Zero 3 Torrent Download is a top-down action video game and the final chapter of the series. The game story follows the dominating character Jason and Eve, as they both reached planet Sophia after a long  journey through space. Upon reaching there they were attacked by Sophia’s force and then they both along...
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Torrent Download is a Metroidvania style video game that can be played in single and multiplayer modes. The game is set in England during the 18th century, where you play as the protagonist named Miriam, who is an orphan disfigured by an alchemist curse that crystallizes her body slowly and...
Blasphemous Torrent Download is an action-adventure, single-player video game. The game takes place in the city of Cvstodia, a land of twisted religions. Where you play as Penitent One, who is a sole survivor of the massacre of the Silent Sorrow, stuck in a game of never-ending cycle of rebirth after every death. Now you...
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